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All-Pro Nitro 'Paris Games' | White | Men's Size 10
Dont compromise with the Puma AllPro Nitro in Puma White, made for oncourt performance and featuring superior responsiveness with NITRO foam technology. The Puma AllPro Nitro breaks out slick design and colour, making its mark on your own game with highperformance technology and construction.Engineered with PUMA39s own NITRO technology, this nitrogeninjected foam midsole offers superior response and comfy cushioning all in a lightweight, efficient package, sure to help you up and down the court. Alongside grippy traction thats optimised for your quick movements, the AllPro is set to support the play of anyone aiming high. Pro performance shoeNITRO Advanced nitrogeninjected foam designed to provide superior responsiveness and cushioning in a lightweight packageEngineered mesh upperTextile and synthetic upperNITRO midsoleRubber outsoleUnisex
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