Partner Shops and Retailers

Information on the comparison services offered by SneakerPricer

Does sell or ship any Sneakers?
No, Sneakerpricer does not directly sell sneakers. We focus only in providing quotes from our partner retailers' available inventory.

What are the criteria for ranking offers?
The results of the comparison panels are always ranked by increasing price. This ranking constitutes the main ranking offered on our comparison results and is always available on each results page (unless if there are no offers available from any of our partner retailers). If two offers have the same price, SneakerPricer does not apply a specific ranking rule, so the display can be considered random.

Does SneakerPricer have capital links with one or more professionals referenced on the site?
SneakerPricer has no direct capital links with any of the retailers displayed on our website.

Is the ranking of offers on the site influenced by capital links between one or more referenced professionals and SneakerPricer?
No, the ranking of offers on SneakerPricer's comparison results is never influenced by anything else than the ranking of offers by the prices offered by our partner retailers.

Does SneakerPricer have a contractual link with the professionals referenced on the site?
Yes, SneakerPricer enters into a contract (direct or indirect) with each retailer referenced on one or more comparison results. This contract determines the conditions and obligations of each (SneakerPricer and the retailer or affiliate network) within the framework of this agreement. This contract determines in particular the conditions of remuneration of SneakerPricer by the retailer in the event of a successful referral. This contract does not contain any stipulations likely to influence the order in which the results are displayed on the comparison panels, which is exclusively determined by SneakerPricer.

Does SneakerPricer receive remuneration from one or more of the referenced professionals? Does this influence the ranking of offers?
Our partner retailers do not remunerate SneakerPricer in order to have their offers referenced or to propose a price according to your profile. SneakerPricer receives remuneration from a listed retailer only if a customer completes a purchase on the partner's website, following the display of their offer on a results page of one of the comparison results page. The ranking of offers on SneakerPricer's comparison results is never influenced by the remuneration that may be received by SneakerPricer. The ranking of offers depends only on the criteria indicated. We may display specific advertisements or banners on our website, in which case Sneakerpricer may receive commissions based on customer's visiting the partner's website. However, our ranking results are not influenced nor include such advertisements.

Are the prices indicated all-inclusive? What do they contain?
By default, the prices displayed are all-inclusive, i.e. they contain: the price of the pair of shoes, our best estimate of the shipping and delivery costs (if said information is made available to SneakerPricer) based on the user's selected location. When the listed professional sends us the information (directly or indirectly), the price details specify the breakdown of the price displayed, and in particular the portion of the price that corresponds to any delivery costs. If a listed professional does not send us a price "including delivery costs", a note next to the offer in question specifies that additional costs may be added to the price displayed on the results page.

Are the offers compared equivalent? Do the commercial guarantees vary?
No, to date the offers compared and returned are not necessarily equivalent. The results are classified by increasing price. For each result you can also view all the general conditions of sale on the merchant's website in order to make a more in-depth comparison for yourself.